We live in an age when taking care about our appearance is not just considered for trend and hype, but also as necessity. Modern man had underwent certain changes, so we no longer chase and kill animals, in order to impress our better half, but instead of that, we are doing our best to look excellent. CEOs are among highest earning people today, and their class is apparent. That is why we made this article, because you deserve the very best.
The very first thing which separates successful managers and SEOs from other people is their education, thanks to which they had reached higher positions within company. It is not required that you have PhD in nuclear physics, but having degree less than college is unacceptable. And to be clear, not because that is considered as a trend, but because you are capable for achieving great heights; so why would you waste your skills and capabilities? Money spent on education is money invested, so never be tightfisted when considering this aspect. If it is needed, invest into respected course or additional education.
Several things can be put under this category. Ranging from good manners and stylish wardrobe, to certain skills such as knowing to tie a tie, real-life CEO needs to be man all-round. Simply put, you must be intimidating, but not in a creepy way, but to radiate high level of self-esteem and strength. So, if you catch a few glances from ladies on your way to table in restaurant, this is great; that means that you are doing things properly. Also, CEOs are aware the amount of stress they are suffering, so working out and eating healthy is a must, because few other methods are efficient as these. Of course, it does not mean that you need to lift enormous weights on bench-press, but light jogging or dancing classes are quite sufficient.
Although being somewhat old-fashioned is good, do not go to the extreme. Vintage is good only if you have family heirloom pocket watch and etiquette, but everything else must be up to date. This means that you must follow the news, and not just those from your field of expertise, but also fashion, sport, automotive industry and technology. Luckily, there is huge number of such blogs, which are pretty light to read, especially with the first coffee in the morning. Guys from IDK Men have great blog section, but it is also worth mentioning Playboy, as one of the brightest examples of magazines intended for male population. Tech world is also of concern, because it is one of the fast-growing markets, and you need to show that you are following trends.
To summarize everything, you do not need a huge pile of money to achieve this status. Just take a good careĀ about yourself, and that is great for start. Keep an open mind, and see what you can improve. The results will be stunning, because first of all you will feel better and more worthy.