Travel Gadgets? What’s that you say? Gadgets that travel well or gadgets you can use when you travel? Or what gadgets you can bring with you when you travel? Well, let’s take a look at all of these questions including booking and staying at cheap hotels in Tenerife.
Tenerife has so many lovely places to visit. So many activities to do or relax by the beach and enjoy the sun and sand. There are some great deals especially off season. It is possible to find deals on hotels even at the last minute when hotels would like to fill the rooms. Travelling to Tenerife, a place that may not be as technologically advanced as other places, might be necessary to bring gadgets with you that will help you enjoy the holiday more or at least make it more convenient. Below are ideas for gadgets for travelling.
Travelling Gadgets
When travelling many times we think “Oh if only I thought of packing that” or “If only there was a way to have a gadget to …”. Well, here are some nifty travel gadgets to help you have a good holiday.
Some of the gadgets I found marketed for travelling are listed here:
- Travel Plugs: for all the different continents. A must for anyone who travels and has gadgets that need to be recharged.
- Travel Retractable USB Charging Kit: for all your gadgets and devices that need recharging.
- Pen and radio: a pen that is also a radio with earplugs and four batteries. Handy to tuck into your pocket.
- Waterproof Overshoes: they slip on over your normal shoes or whatever footwear for walking you have. It is trendy with a pattern that looks like basketball trainers. Keeps your shoes and feet dry and keeps the mud off. Great for outdoor concerts.
- iHat mp3 Headphone Hat: this is a trendy looking hat that looks like a normal black beanie from the outside but inside it has an internal speaker and mp3 player. Keeps your head warm while you play your favourite tunes.
- Can Caps: these are bottle tops that snap onto cans or bottles and keep the fizz in and the flies out. Great for camping.
- LED Torch/Flashlight: there are a number of different styles to choose from but all them have one thing in common… to fit nicely into your travelling bag or easy to carry when travelling. There are sleek LED torches and key rings with torches and glow in the dark key rings. All of these help us when we find we are in a place that either do not have lights at night or can’t find the lights or at a concert or camping and there are no streetlights then these are very handy to have.
- Pegless Travel Washing Line: very handy to have either camping or staying in a hotel as you can use a sucking cup to the wall or tie it to a tree.
Looking at the list of gadgets above, I think we can safely say that they are some of the more “necessary” gadgets and ones that most of us have either thought of buying or have used before.
For Security
Nowadays there are gadgets being created for more security and for putting off thieves. Here are a few travel essentials for a secure trip that you might consider:
- Wedge Door alarm: this is a door stopper that has a detector so when the door is opened it sets off an alarm and stops the door from being opened. The only way to turn it off is to take the door stopper from under the door and turn it over to silence it.
- TanSafe: A tanning cream bottle that when opened up from the lid contains space to store money, iPhone, keys. Great idea when on the beach.
- Security Envelopes: there are envelopes now developed to “hide” different gadgets out of sight of intruders/thieves. The Stealth Tablet Envelope is one that looks like a normal padded brown envelope covered in stickers and an address label that you can put your tablet in for safe keeping. There is also a padded envelope that looks like one from the post office that will fit your iPhone and keep it out of site.
- Smartphone Security Sensor: this is a sensor that hooks up to your smartphone and will set off an alarm if there is movement in the place where you are staying.
I have not heard of most of these types of gadgets and have already decided that I am going to purchase some of them for my next trip.
Basic Needs
When looking for deals on cheap hotels in Tenerife also look for gadgets that you can bring on the journey for safety, security, convenience, or for basic needs. Whatever you decide on bringing on your trip and staying at cheap hotels in Tenerife, make sure that it is easy to pack and easy to store.
Author Bio:
Ariana Louis writes for travel companies and travels the world finding good deals and idea for holiday makers and tourists. She loves to get to know new destinations by walking and travelling meeting the local people and getting to know the culture and history. Ariana likes reading and always brings a good book on her journeys. Travelling the world for Ariana has always been her dream and she is always helped by Travel Republic, which offers cheap hotels in Tenerife, whenever she books a trip abroad.