The wind, any harsh cold temperatures, and indoor heating during the winter are the main culprits of dry skin. It is time to take special care of your skin more than ever to prevent it from looking worn out or dry. Luckily, there are some secrets and tips to avoid any cracks, flaking, or itching that we all know to be super annoying when they appear.
More Moisturizer
In the winter time, you should use a moisturizer of optimum quality to keep your face looking and feeling refreshed. You should avoid using water mixed with soap on your face, as it strips natural skin oil, and use a quality moisturizer. After your bath, take advantage of your open pores by applying a significant amount of cream.
Also, cover your fingers and cuticles with the same cream because they are also more sensitive in the winter. A moisturizer does not have to be expensive to be effective. You have to look at the ingredients to determine the quality of the product- lactic acid or urea relieves dry skin while hyaluronic acid helps retain moisture as well as lanolin and mineral oils.
Protect Yourself from the Sun
The harsh climate does not stop the action of the sun, which accelerates the aging process. In places where snow can affect the sun reflection, it is necessary to use adequate protection. Sunscreen should be applied daily, especially on the face, ears, and back of the hands. Don’t forget a moisturizing balm for your lips as well!
Limit Consumption of Alcohol and Hot Beverages
These drinks may act as a trigger of skin conditions such as rosacea, which is a frequent redness in the forehead, cheeks, nose, and chin caused by dilated blood vessels. Exposure to wind, sun, hot water and extreme temperatures make this condition worse. You can reduce this problem in several ways, starting with emollient cream or antibiotics, or you can remove the outer layers of your skin with a laser or dermabrasion at specialized beauty salons. You could even cauterize the fine blood vessels that cause redness.
Dermatitis and Dandruff Are Not Going Away with the Cold
Those with severe dandruff or seborrheic dermatitis certainly suffer with the dry and cold weather because the conditions worsen for them. If you experience this, try to wash your hair less often, avoid very hot water, and choose a medicated shampoo with a non-abrasive formula for the scalp to prevent drying and peeling from occurring.
Use Mild Soaps
Most soap products remove the natural oils from your skin, and if you use it more than you need to, it can cause dry skin and cracks. It is recommended to use mild or natural products designed for winter skin care and discard ones containing deodorant, perfume, or alcohol. Moreover, it is also important not to stay in the shower for more than 10 minutes. Skin exfoliation should be done less often than during the warmer months, too.
Avoid Contact with Wool and Synthetic Materials
Wool clothing or synthetic materials placed directly on your skin can be harmful. These exert a permanent exfoliation of the skin which is more sensitive and dry during this period. It is best to choose cotton, silk, or linen garments and put multiple layers together for more warmth.
Check Your Diet
At this time of year, you have to ingest more liquid, while avoiding caffeinated drinks because they have a diuretic effect on the body. Fatty acids such as Omega 3 can help renew dry skin. These are found in fish and some seeds such as flax and should be added to the diet.
If the skin is too dry or fails to improve with the basic care, you should consult with a dermatologist. A professional can evaluate the causes and the appropriate treatment for whatever your case may be. Creams with antihistamines can be used to reduce itching, cortisone creams are used to reduce inflammation, and others can suppress the activity of the immune system that may be causing irritation.