Chiropractic care is a non-surgical, non-invasive treatment system that focuses on the manipulation of the joints – especially those of the spinal column – in order to adjust and improve the function of the neuromusculoskeletal system. The title “chiropractic” comes from the Greek words for hand (“cheir”) and action (“praxis”), which translates to “done by hand.”
Philosophy of Chiropractic Care
How is chiropractic care different from other, conventional forms of treatment? Conventional treatment methods are generally allopathic, meaning they involve either surgery, drugs (pharmaceuticals), or a combination of the two, whereas chiropractic treatment involves a hand-on approach that does not use drugs or surgery. Instead, chiropractic relies on careful manipulation of the spine. Because of this, chiropractic is commonly referred to as a “natural” method of health care.
The spine is a very important structure in the body. The spine provides structural support and flexibility while protecting the spinal cord, which transmits information to and from the brain. When the joints in the spine (the vertebrae) are not in the correct position, the spine, and the nerves and muscles attached to the spine are not able to function correctly, which can lead to irritation and discomfort.
Chiropractic doctors use biomechanics and an understanding of the neuromusculoskeletal system to treat a variety of diseases and conditions. Patients commonly come to chiropractic doctors for back pain, joint pain, neck pain, spinal disk conditions, sprains, tendonitis, and carpal tunnel syndrome. However, chiropractic doctors can treat a variety of non-neuromusculoskeletal conditions, such as allergies, asthma, and even digestive disorders. Sports injuries, conditions due to aging, and vehicular injuries are amongst the most common issues that are treated.
Chiropractic care can treat issues beyond the local area of pain or discomfort. Since the spine and spinal cord are connected to other tissues, realigning and repositioning the spine can often relieve headaches and other pains.
History of Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic care has its roots in ancient Greek and Chinese civilizations. Writings from 2700 B.C.E. and 1500 B.C.E. indicate a practice of spinal manipulation to alleviate back pain.
Chiropractic care began in North America in the late 1800s when Daniel D. Palmer began his practice in Davenport, Iowa. Since Palmer founded the first school of chiropractic in North America in 1897, chiropractic care has continued to grow throughout the world. Throughout the 1900s, chiropractic doctors became legally recognized by the United States government.
Research in the field continues to flourish throughout the world. A 1979 study in New Zealand strongly supported the effectiveness of chiropractic care, while a 1993 study in Canada showed the cost effectiveness of chiropractic care.
What is a Chiropractor?
A chiropractor is a Medicare-recognized physician that has gone through rigorous training and education. Doctors of chiropractic must attend a chiropractic college to receive classroom, laboratory, and clinical instruction. Medical schools, however, do not usually offer chiropractic education.
Chiropractors learn about spine adjustment and analysis to prepare for national and state-level exams which they must pass in order to earn a chiropractic license. Chiropractors are also educated in related health subjects such as differential diagnosis and radiology. This makes doctors of chiropractic different from non-physicians – such as physical therapists – because physical therapists cannot diagnose and treat patients.
Dr. Robert Hausman is a chiropractor in the Austin area. He enjoys helping people with their neck, back or headaches problems through chiropractic care. He also helps through corrective excersices and massage therapy to help strenghen and relax the muscles. Dr. Hausman also enjoys be active and participates in marathons or practices yoga and other activities.