If you are planning to turn towards the contraceptive pills, you are not alone. Birth control pills have become one of the most common birth control methods among the US public and for a variety of good reasons – they are effective, cheap and easy to use. However, the only thing that got the concern of females regarding the contraceptive pills is their types available, making the selection daunting and tedious.
Regarding the fact, here we have compared the different kinds of contraceptive pills available in the market along with their pros and cons. So scroll down to know which kind of contraceptive pill is right for you and from where you can get these birth control pills.
The Different Kinds of Contraceptive Pills:
There are two types of contraceptive pills available in the market – The Mini pills or the POPs and the combined pills or COC.
#1: Mini Pills:
Mini Pills are the type of contraceptive pills that contain the sole active ingredient – progestin. Unlike the combined pills, the mini pills or POPs contain the synthetic progestin that mimics the action of natural progesterone present in the female human body and works by thickening the cervical mucus and thinning the endometrium, thereby preventing sperm from reaching the eggs. The mini pills sometimes also suppress the ovulation and don’t contain estrogen, just like the combined pills.
The Pros and Cons of Mini Pills:
- Can be taken in medical conditions like high blood pressure, migraines, blood clotting problems and heart diseases.
- Can be used during breastfeeding.
- Offers a quick restoration of fertility
- Avoids risks associated with pregnancy.
- No protection against Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV.
- Less effective than combined pills
- Side effects can occur as irregular menstrual bleeding, decreased libido, headache, breast tenderness, acne and weight gain.
#2: Combined Pills:
Combined pills come in the combination with two active and inactive ingredients – progestin and estrogen. Unlike mini-pills, these pills keep your ovaries from releasing eggs. They also thicken the cervical mucus and thin the lining of the endometrium to keep the sperms from joining an egg.
The Pros and Cons of Combination Pills:
- Decreased risk of ovarian and endometrium cancer.
- Improvement in acne
- Relief from PMS
- More effective than Mini Pills
- Avoidance of risks associated with pregnancy
- Increased risk of heart attack and stroke
- No protection against STIs
- Side effects such as bloating, bleeding, nausea, depression, weight gain and headache
So both the types of contraceptives carry their own pros and cons. So it is always advised to consult your doctor
before taking any contraceptive. Visit the link to get the right contraceptive for you https://www.ukmeds.co.uk/treatments/contraceptive-pill/cerazette/.