Walk-in coolers are essential in busy restaurants. Not only do they keep food at safe temperatures, but they provide an area for bulk food storage. Even the best coolers can break down or be customized with extra features to ensure they operate at optimal efficiency. Websites like Store.O-Reps.net provide the parts you need to make your cooler the best that it can be.
Door Closers
A standard walk-in cooler door usually doesn’t close on its own. You will have to close it manually, or if your hands are full of food, kick the door and hope the latch catches. This can lead to spoiled food, the cooler having to use excess energy to keep food at safe temperatures and several other issues. Door closers, such as Kason door closers, automate the process to ensure the door closes even if your hands are full.
Gaskets and Sweeps
These two parts are installed on different areas of the cooler door, but they serve the same purpose. Both of them are made to keep in the cold and keep out dust and other particles. The only difference is that gaskets are on top of the door and sweeps are on the bottom. They are essential to reducing energy usage and provide an inexpensive fix to aging coolers.
PVC Curtains
If you need a little extra protection against dust, sound or wind, then PVC curtains are commonly used as a barrier. Coming in single curtains or strips, these curtains are easy to install and quite inexpensive. The curtain’s size can also be customized as needed if you change to a different cooler. Regardless of what type of restaurant you have, PVC curtains will provide the protection you need for peak food quality.
This is perhaps one of the most important parts of a walk-in cooler. The thermostat not only controls the temperature, it also allows you to change the temperature as needed based on your ingredients. A defective thermostat can cost a significant amount of money, so it’s essential that you consistently check this part and change it if needed.
Walk-in coolers are an essential tool for any restaurant, bakery, butcher or any other business that handles food. They give you space for bulk food storage while making it easy to reach necessary ingredients and products. These four parts are required to keep your cooler at peak performance while also reducing energy and operating costs to their minimum.