Work-related accidents occur frequently from falling off a ladder resulting to a broken arm to a repetitive motion injury. Employees who are injured while in the course of their duty are eligible to collect compensation benefits. Including medical bills and lost wages. Injured employees are not only eligible but are most of the time, limited to the same. This is where a good lawyer equipped with a thorough knowledge of the system comes in handy.
The 2 Types of Layers
Two types of lawyers may come out of this scenario in order to help injured workers recover compensation benefits: personal injury lawyers or workers’ compensation lawyers. The difference between the two is that a lawyer for injury at work is referred to as a workers’ compensation lawyer while personal injury lawyers assist employees who have been, in one way or another, injured outside of work or may be injured at work due to another person’s fault.
Injury Lawyer
There will be times when you need only one of these kinds of lawyers, but then there will be those rare occasions wherein you just might need both. Oftentimes, the skills of an experience lawyer will always be worth the money you pay for their representation. There may be legal rules involved in a certain claim that would require the legal knowledge and expertise of a lawyer. Once in a while, an insurance company may also refuse to settle a matter with the worker.
Injuries that fall typically under the workers’ compensation system would include the performance of work related activities such as running a work errand. This system is designed to compensate workers as efficiently as possible and is considered as the exclusive remedy for injured workers against their employers.
Compensation Lawyer
When do you need a Workers’ Compensation Lawyer? There will be instances where the insurance company might deny your claim, reduce certain benefits or disagree with the permanent disability rating. That is when a great lawyer comes in to challenge certain decisions and which will in turn, require a certain degree of expertise in workers’ compensation laws and procedures.
There might also be scenarios where you need the assistance of both the Workers’ Compensation Lawyer and the Personal Injury Lawyer. Some law firms handle both cases which makes it easier for the worker to deal with his problem as efficiently as possible. Insurance companies normally have teams of expert and highly skilled lawyers who work on these issues every day. The best option for you is to hire a great lawyer committed to putting you first and determined to go a long way to give you what you deserve— the just compensation.