Before digitization, scrapbooks, posters and collages were prepared to visualize vision, set goal and resolutions for the New Year. The walls of the room was adorned by the posters and collages of celebrities and vision boards scripted with goals and varying pictures of resolutions. People were hooked on them and marked the achievements with remarks and retried for the difficult tasks that were yet to attain. Now scrapbooks, posters and collages are outdated with the advent of technology and the virtual vision board came into force to set the goals and resolutions.
New Year is approaching and all are set to give frame to their virtual vision board. Some have decided their goals and are working ferociously on it while some are still brooding over the shape of their visions.
A virtual vision board is a collection of images and pictures which reflects your desires and wishes in online format and you save them as your screensaver on your desktop or as a wallpaper on your mobile device. Watching them every day at regular intervals will encourage you to move closer to your goals and you can attain them in your specified time. Your goal can be anything that you strive for, your aim and ambition, your savings or investments or can be any chapter of your life that you secretly wish to fulfil.
Set Your Goals
To give shape to your vision board, jot down your goals and specify the aspects of your goal. If it is time stamped, mention the date of achieving your goal. Promise to yourself to strike your target within the stipulated time. Be realistic in setting the goals, unrealistic goals can’t be achieved.
Collection of Images & Pictures
Accumulate images and pictures that matches your goal. You can get the supplies on internet, there are free websites from where you can download the required images. Even you can procure the pictures captured by you if it is close to your aim and goal. Select the images that denotes the challenges you have chosen for yourself.
Virtual Vision Board
Design your virtual vision board on your PC, laptop or Mobile as you prefer. Design a collage with the accumulated images mentioning the details of your ambitions and resolutions. Strike off or scribble achieved on the goals that you achieve down the line, it will work as motivating factor and you will yearn to complete the remaining goals. There are few applications which will aid to create vision board. Set Bright colours in background with contrasting text to increase its impact and visibility.
Insert Motivational Words
Insert motivational words or quotes in your virtual vision board which will inspire you to work on it and help you in realizing your dream. Vision board is also known as dream board because you pose challenges for yourself to accomplish your dreams. Keep it neat, don’t clutter with overuse of words and images.
Save as Screensaver or Wallpaper
Once you are finished off with the designing and creation of vision board, save in .jpg format and save as screensaver on your PC and on your mobile screen. The vision board will be in front of your eyes for most of the time on job or in leisure and it will remind you to work on it and yearn to realize them at the earliest. You will walk towards your ambition to fulfil within the time frame or before. You can even take few printout of your vision board and hang near your bed and on inside panel of your bedroom. It will set reminder in your memory clock to instigate you to race to realize your secret desires.
Your virtual vision board is ready and you will be ecstatic to see your dreams in the form of pictures and your mind will empower to chase your dreams. These steps will help you to organize your board and the first timers will find the tips useful. Be creative as much as you to create virtual vision board.