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Breast Augmentation or Breast Lift – Which Option to Choose?

Breast augmentation as well as breast lift are both popular cosmetic procedures. More and more women dissatisfied with their breast size, shape or droop opt for this aesthetic breast surgery. Breast augmentation is also known as breast implant surgery.

Breast lift Vs breast augmentation, which is right? It will depend on your goal and board-certified plastic surgeon’s diagnosis. However, understand what is involved in both the procedures.

What is breast augmentation?

If you desire for bigger breasts then augmentation is the right option. There are several main areas, which needs to be considered –

Incision & implant placement

Common incisions employed in breast augmentation are –

Each incision has its pros and cons but inframammary allows for optimal access to breast tissues, less complication risk and totally conceals the scar.

Implant size & shape

While determining implant size and shape your body form, chest wall shape, lifestyle and goal needs to be considered. Breast augmentation surgeon discusses this aspect with the patient and advices them to be realistic. Get your breast enlarged just two cup sizes or anything large can overpower her chest in terms of width, diameter and appearance.

Implant types

There are silicone and saline implants to consider, which will be based on patient’s body type, preference and desired results. Silicone is expensive and needs large incision with more involved surgical process. In addition, silicone implants offer natural realistic feel and excellent for women with little breast tissue.

Alternatively, saline implants add shape and volume to women with ample breast tissue. Both types are FDA approved, have great safety record and last for fifteen years.

What is breast lift?

Due to aging or weight fluctuation or childbirth the women’s breast may undergo volume loss and this may trigger breast ptosis or drooping. Breast lift adds volume to reshape the breasts and correct the droop.

Breast lift techniques

  1. Periareolar incision is appropriate for women with minimal drooping and large areolas.
  2. Vertical breast reduction incision is similar to periareolar but extends downwards from areola allowing greater lift for women with moderate drooping.
  3. Inverted T incision follows same path as the above two but includes incision within breast fold. This is common approach as it allows maximum breast lift.

Which alternative to choose?

Each process has its unique pros and cons. Breast augmentation concentrates on shape and size of breast but does not correct the sagging. On the other hand, breast lift concentrates mainly of breast position but not the size.

Breast augmentation along with lift

Sometimes both procedures are recommended. First breast lift is done to get more youthful position then the volume gets increased adding implants. Having breast augmentation along with lift is called augmentation/pexy. You get upper breast fullness as well as repositioning of drooping nipple areas.

Determining to augment breast is personal decision but make sure to consult an experienced and licensed plastic surgeon. Do some research and check the before and after photos of their past patients. Understand the procedure, its drawbacks, post-operative recovery information, and what to expect.