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Wedding Planning Pep Talk for Stressed Out Brides

The process of planning a wedding is quite complicated and as some may argue, chaotic and stressful. From selecting the catering company to the decorator and entertainment, while all at once trying to determine the best date and appropriate reception venue, the bride to be and whoever has been appointed to assist her in the wedding planning venture must constantly confront and attend to multiple tasks at once.

From the time the engagement is announced and on throughout the entire planning phase to the wedding completion, this type of special event, for anyone, can be accurately compared to a juggling act. A juggling act, that more specifically, involves both hands in addition to both feet and three other people.

Wedding event planning involves so much careful thought and precision planning on so many seemingly endless levels, in fact, that many event specialists, particularly those who provide planning services for a broad range of parties and event types, will sometimes turn away wedding party leads if they can afford to do so. If the proposed wedding event sounds like it may be even remotely high maintenance most of these event planners simply don’t need the wedding client to sustain a successful business and so while they have the option they’d rather not be bothered.

Do not let this daunting fact discourage you though, for the complicated wedding planning process can go very smoothly if approached with the right attitude.

It is important to understand the complexity of the coordination required so as to keep you thinking on your toes but you must also allow yourself to operate from a somewhat detached standpoint when necessary to prevent your emotional concerns from diluting the objective stance that is so required to successfully plan.

You might also be comforted to acknowledge that unlike a discriminating general special events coordinator whose business will likely remain unaffected whether they take or leave a given wedding event, this moment (at least one might hope) is a once in a lifetime opportunity for you to hand tailor a perfect setting in which you and your spouse can celebrate your new union with your closest friends and family. Clearly it is not just another event or business deal for you and certainly, it can be assumed that you wouldn’t approach it as such.

So while sure, planning the wedding might entail a good deal more than just jotting a few notes down on a pad of paper and magically watching them spring to life, the inevitable passion you bring to the project will undoubtedly shine through. Your personal excitement and commitment to the organization of this special day will provide you with the necessary inspiration to be creative and have fun while you

In other words, to sum it up optimistically, planning a wedding event will lead you to embark on quite an adventurous, unpredictable journey, that will possibly, depending on your background and life experience, thrust you eagerly into crazy exciting and yes, often times nerve-wracking realms that you have never until this point experience and will maybe never again encounter again.

Complicated-Chaotic? Yes. But if you plan ahead, remain organized and allow your logical, sensible mind to compromise with your creative daydreaming fantasy oriented part of the brain you should be able to easily follow your intuition toward an end wedding event result that is not only memorable and disaster free, but is one that also at least slightly mimics that envision of the special wedding day you have always been dreaming of.