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Shredding As Part Of A Recycling Effort From A Small Business

If you are the owner of a business that is looking to grow to new levels there could be a few things that you may not have considered as an important factor in allowing a smooth growth period. As a small business you might not think that you create a lot of waste, but in fact small and medium-sized businesses are one of the biggest contributors to commercial waste, and in order to grow your brand reputation, have a culture of working practice that entices new employees and retains quality staff, whilst creating new spaces to work with, a confidential business shredding service could be a simple solution to your needs.

A confidential shredding service works for businesses on a number of levels, the main benefit being that it works to boost your business credentials as a company that cares about the environment. This is due to the fact that quality confidential business document shredding services almost always take shredded paper waste to be used as part of recycling projects. Most modern day companies have goals in terms of reducing the carbon footprint of the business. By putting in place a regular collection of paper waste to be confidentially shredded at a secure location close by, significant progress can be made towards those goals.

In the UK as a whole there are millions of tonnes of paper waste created each year, and with that in mind it is easy to see how even a start-up business can contribute to making the world a better place. The more paper waste that can be recycled, the better for the environment. To recycle paper and re-use it, it takes 70% less energy that to create new paper from trees that have been cut down. This is a staggering fact that shows just how easy it could be to make significant changes to climate change, something that we can all take part in, from individuals to small businesses.

In terms of promoting green credentials, this is also a very simple way to change the overall culture of a company to one that worries about waste and wants to maximise opportunities. Your employees will gain greatly from working in this way, with it even having the knock-on effect of making your team look at all work processes in a different way, trying out ways to maximise efficiencies in every task that is conducted. Put in place a clear and strict policy of recycling that is easy for every member of staff to understand. If all staff members, from the newest to the longest serving, understand that there is a concerted effort company-wide to reduce paper consumption and to recycle and reuse materials wherever possible, it is much more likely to succeed as a change in culture.

A specialist document shredding service in your area will be able to visit your work premises on an agreed, regular basis, securely and privately collected all paper waste in a locked bin, and shredding within 24-hours of collection, adhering to data protection policies. That way your company is not only boosting its green credentials, but also looking after customer, employee and supplier data that could contain sensitive information.

Content written by Sadie Hart