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Do’s and Don’ts of travelling to Pakistan

Pakistan has all the right reasons to top the list of “world’s most beautiful countries” that are worthy to visit. The country is very scenic and ranges from barren deserts’ wilderness to coasts to sun-kissed beaches, from lush green forests to the snow-clad peaks. Other than natural scenery, Pakistan has several other things to entice all kinds of visitors including entrepreneurs, professionals and students. In short, visiting Pakistan can be any tourist’s delight. While travelling to Pakistan, you can follow general do’s and don’ts guidelines, which are as listed below.



One last point is that before visiting to Pakistan, you must be sure about your accommodation where you will reside in during your stay. It is one of the most important things. You can search for various Pakistan real estate portals that offer listings for short-term stay apartments in Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad.

Author Bio:

This post has been written by Haadiya Ali. She is Marketing Executive at She has been writing on the topics of Pakistan Tourism and Pakistan Real Estate for 5 years. You can follow her at Google+.