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The Manly List Of Must Have Travel Accessories

Men who are constantly on the go have many unique needs that must be met along the way. The amenities provided by hotels and airplanes simply do not make the grade when it comes to allowing a man to stay looking and feeling his best while traveling. The following items are essential for a man who must maintain his appearance and style while still moving from city to city around the world.

First Impressions Count

Travel presents many unique challenges when it comes to a man’s appearance. From shaving to all the small details that count, a mere disposable razor and a bar of soap rarely get the job done. Men traveling for business must be especially conscious of their appearance when it comes to meeting new clients and maintaining relationships with different businesses. Travel kits for men must include a hygiene pack that includes clippers, combs, shaving elements, and all the small conveniences that home has to offer. No travel kit is complete that does not offer a man all the comforts of their normal morning routine in a smaller, travel size. Leather casings are ideal for storing these elements while stainless steel construction for tools allow your kit to be durable.

Make Every Connection

Packing three and four connecting cables for phones, tablets, and other electronics can be a major hassle in addition to taking up valuable space in your bags. However, a man cannot afford to not be connected. Elongpro offers a travel device that features retractable USB cables of multiple sizes. These cables are wonderful for charging, transferring files, and getting around outlet issues. This three in one device is the ultimate travel gadget for men who need to keep their travel gear compact and to a minimum.

Block Out the Distractions

Headphones are an important part of a man’s traveling bag with today’s emphasis on traveling tech. From taking calls in busy airports and in public locations to blocking out white noise while on public transportation, having the right pair of headphones at your side is invaluable. The rental units that planes offer deliver terrible audio quality in addition to coming with a small fee for each usage. When choosing your own headphones, stick with models that either cancel out exterior noise or choose ear buds that completely encompass to ear canal for the ideal quality of sound.

Keep the Energy Flowing

Recharging multiple devices and having access to enough outlets in a convenient location is always an issue that faces men during travel. Eliminate these hurdles with a small, portable power strip. These can easily be tucked into any bag and instantly expand the potential of a single outlet. New hardware such as this now also includes a port for USB devices as well.

Whether business or pleasure, with a bag fortified using the right equipment there is no travel obstacle that a man cannot handle. All of the items mentioned are available from many online providers instantly at prices that are highly competitive.