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How to Select the Right Window AC for your Home this Summer?

Window ACs are the most commonly used air conditioners across the country. Not only are they energy-efficient, thereby saving you a chunk of money, but they are also easy to install. Apart from energy-efficient they are much affordable as well as compared to split air conditioners.

Here are the factors which you should check before buying a window ac for your home:

Always check the cooling capacity

The cooling capacity is the most important factor while determining which window AC to buy. For example, a window AC with a lower cooling capacity will run continuously to try and cool a large room. In this case, your AC not only ends up using a lot of energy but also pushes up your electricity bill. Similarly, a larger AC won’t be able to cool a smaller room evenly.

So, you need to find a window AC with the ideal cooling capacity for the size of your room. Here are some numbers to give you an idea. If your room is 10 feet x 15 feet, for example, you usually require an AC that weighs about 1.5 tonnes. Voltas’ Window AC model 185 ZZP-R32 weighs about that much and comes with a cooling capacity of 5050 watts, which is enough to cool a room of that size.

Apart from the size, also be mindful of the height of your ceiling, the amount of sunlight that streams into the room and the number of people who occupy that room daily. This way you will be able to choose an AC that not only cools fast but also consumes less power.

Measure the window before installing the AC

Once you determine which brand and model you would like to go for, it is important to measure the size of the window you wish to install the AC in. To get an accurate idea of the space, first, measure the dimensions of the window frame. After you have done this, compare the measurements to the window width dimensions given in the ACs specifications.

If the measurements are smaller you’re your window frame, don’t worry. This can be adjusted during installation. If not, you will need to break a portion of the wall to make the AC fit, which can be both complicated and expensive. The best step would be to choose a different model of a smaller size.

Make sure the electrical requirements are met

Another important factor to remember before making your purchase is finding out the window AC’s electrical requirements. Window ACs do use up more power than most other appliances that you may be using at home. So, have another look at the specifications mentioned, primarily the amps, voltage, and watts, before you bring your AC home. Also, take a good look at the type of plug that the window AC has. It should match the socket at home in order to work.

Check for energy efficiency of the model

This factor determines how high your power bill will be each month, so it is best if you don’t take this lightly. Most AC models have an energy efficiency rating that ranges from 5, 3 and 2 stars. A window AC with a 5-star rating will use the least amount of energy, which means cheaper bills, while those with a 2-star use the most amount of energy.

Some window ACs also come with technology that automatically saves energy. For example, LG’s Window AC with Dual Inverter comes with technology a dual rotary motor has a wider rotational frequency than most other compressors, saving you a lot of energy, while also cooling the room much faster.

Make maintenance checks mandatory

Most window ACs are vulnerable to dust and dirt from the outside and hence they need to be cleaned every few months. If you don’t do this, then the AC will deteriorate over time. Try and look for a window AC that minimizes this problem for you. For example, Blue Star ACs come with a dust filter that can trap dirt and dust that is in the room and keeps it clean. But, as a precaution, it is still best to regularly get maintenance checks done on the window AC.