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5 Amazing Writing Books That Every Writer Should Read

Writing in the recent time is termed as an expensive skill, it may seem hard to develop, but it is certainly something in which you can get better. Before you sign up for a costly writing course, consider getting yourself a book that provides useful guidelines so you can improve your writing. Here is a list of five such books that can help you get better at writing:

1: On Writing Well: The Classic Guide to Writing Nonfiction by William Zinsser

The book is admired for its legit counseling, its clarity, and the sophistication as well as its style. This book is for everyone who is keen to learn writing or one who wants to do a quantity practice of writing to get through the day.

Be it writing about business, sports, science, or the arts, this book guides you with basic principles and the insights of an eminent writer and tutor. ‘On Writing Well’ has been guiding students and teachers for more than three decades and it still considered as a precious guide for writers.

2: The Book on Writing: The Ultimate Guide to Writing Well by Paula LaRocque

‘The Book on Writing’ guides reader the art of writing by providing vital guiding principles, literary techniques, and appropriate writing mechanics. You can learn necessary techniques for writing sophistically and flawlessly from a knowledgeable writing tutor.

You will definitely love the way the author teaches in the book as she uses a touch of wittiness with a gentle touch of sophistication in the book. The Book on Writing is a lucid handbook that addresses most common issues in punctuation, style, and grammar. This book is one stop solution for would-be writers. Reading it just once will get you better at writing.

3: From Idea to Story in 90 Seconds by Ken Rand

Newbie writers usually wonder, “Where do I get my ideas?” in this book author, Ken Rand has an answer to this question. The book is basically comprised of two parts.

Part one consists of theory, with the aim to answer this particular question i.e. “Where do you get your ideas?” Whereas part two consists of “practice” where it attempts to guide writers to put words to the wonderful ideas and pen them down on the paper.


4: Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing by Mignon Fogarty

Are you stumped by using bad grammar? Do you always confuse yourself when it comes to using “who” against “whom”? Do you usually pass up the words “lay” and “lie” all in all? If your answer to any of those questions is “yes”, Grammar Girl is here to assist you!

Grammar Girl is indomitable to master your grammar in as easy and effortless way possible. The book presents readers with a range of grammar rules that can mystify even the veteran writers. From “between vs. among” and “although vs. while” run-on sentences and phrases and clauses, the author gives clear elucidations that assist readers to remember these worrying grammar rules.

5: Writing That Works by Kenneth Roman and Joel Raphaelson

‘Writing that Works’ is one standard guide that assists readers to communicate their thoughts through their writing effectively.

The book contains counseling on every aspect of written communication – be it a letter or memo writing, speech resumes or email writing, the author gives tips on using unbiased communication that does not compromise the message.

The book features a reachable, at a glance style with exact examples and elucidations of ‘good versus bad’ writing.

Doris M is freelance writer. She works at Essay Help writing firm. Where she handle assignment writing projects. She has worked on a number of writing projects. Doris M started her career as blog writer.