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How A Weekly Planner Can Help You Stay Organized

Weekly planners can be real time savers. Whether it is at the office or home, there is no denying that most people struggle with time management. No matter what, it always almost certainly seems like we can’t get enough time on our hands to do all our necessary chores and schedules. And it can be frustrating sometimes. 

You have probably used a planner before to figure out how to organize your life. Whereas most of us assume it will work, why doesn’t it always stick or work? The truth is that most people find it easy to declare using a planner in their lives, but the reality is that it takes more than just writing down stuff. You have to use it to be successful. 

Whether it is writing appointments or your daily commitments, you have to follow up to make sure you tend to your schedule. Without that, it would be only a matter of time before you complain about how useless your planner is. However, if you learn how to use a planner, it will ultimately work. It’s time to invest in a quality planner and get your life organized. You can pick up a weekly planner from Mi Goals, or pick one up off of Amazon. Read on to find out how a weekly planner can help you stay organized.

If you want to make the most out of your planner, refer to it all day, every day. All you have to do is take five minutes to write down everything you plan to do and then refer to it anytime something is mentioned or crosses your mind.

Whether it is morning or evening, ensure you spend time with your planner to figure out what you need to do and at what time. As stated earlier, most of us are poor time managers. But if you stay truthful to your planner’s commitments and timeframes, you will start leading a meaningful life.

This is how most of us get it wrong. Whereas the calendar will remind you of great occasions like thanksgiving and birthdays, it cannot be an all-in-one solution to all your planning. Weekly planners can be customized based on your finer and most important details. Calendars are great for the monthly overview, but for special appointments at work or the doctor, write them down into your planner and stay focused on your weekly focus sheet. That way, you will have more impetus to fill in the minor tasks you plan to accomplish in any given week.

Weekly planner sections to make use of

This is where you pencil in everything that is missing from the fridge. Although it depends on your menu, it is a great way to remind yourself and get things done. Next time you go shopping, you take a picture for reference while you are on the go.

This is where you pencil in what could include but not limited to:


Here, you jot down the meals you plan to take every day, including the weekend ahead. That includes breakfasts, lunches, and dinners. 

More To Consider

The daily schedules can take you back and forth, which can be frustrating. To avoid the scramble and last-minute rush to the store, make use of a weekly planner to organize your lifestyle